ГДЗ Кауфман Happy English.ru 9 класс UNIT 1 Lesson 11

Рабочая тетрадь 1

Choose the right answers.

1. c)

6. c)

2. a)


3. b)

8. a)

4. b)

9. b)

5. b)


Choose a, the or no article an fill in the gaps.

  1. 1.                                                                                  —        6.-
  2. 2.   the                                   7. —
  3. 3.   the                                   8. a
  4. 4.   —; —; —; the                 9. the; the
  5. 5.                         the

3.   Find the synonyms to the underlined words.

  1. 1.                                                                                                               a)    4. c)
  2. 2.   b)                                            5. a)
  3. 3.   c)                                      6. a)

5.Образуйте существительные от следую­щих существительных и прилагательных.

Freedom, brotherhood, friendship, membership, kindness, happiness, neighborhood.

Сохрани к себе на стену!

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