ГДЗ Кауфман Happy English.ru 9 класс UNIT 1 Lessons 6, 7

Lessons 6, 7

Translate the expressions.
Длинные очереди; нью-йоркская атмосфера; большие порции; восхитительная еда; вы разде­ляете стол с незнакомцами; вы не можете разде­лить вашу порцию с друзьями; соленые огурцы бесплатно; недостаточно мест; быстрое обслужи­вание; супы домашнего приготовления; когда вы заканчиваете вашу еду, вам приходится быстро уходить; интернациональная еда; высокие цены; огромные сандвичи.

  1. Read the opinions and answer the questions.
  2. The main advantages are very tasty meal, big portions, New York atmosphere, free pickled cucumbers, quick and friendly service.
  3. The main disadvantages are: long lines, high prices, too much noise inside the deli, portions are too big for one person, you can’t share your portion with friends, you share the table with strangers, you can’t sit for too long, the place is not big enough.

Homework. Рабочая тетрадь I

  1. Match the dish with the description.
  2. beef Stroganov
  3. shashlik (kebab)
  4. karavay

В.  Выпишите из текста упражнения 8 все прилагательные с положительным значе­нием.

Fantastic, amazing, huge, big, important, popu­lar, free, quick, friendly.

Рабочая тетрадь № 1

  1. Before you read, try to answer the questions and make some clever guesses.
  2. China is famous for its tea traditions.
  3. We should come at five o’clock.
  4. No, I won’t take any food if I’m invited for tea in England.
  5. In Scotland you can have the best meal for tea.

Read the story, translate it into Russian and check your ideas.


Так много стран, так много традиций (сколько стран, столько традиций)… Способы принимать гостей имеют отличия в разных странах.

Если вас пригласили на чай в Шотландии, воз­можно, вам предложат и хорошую еду, которая
будет включать в себя мясо и сыр, хлеб и масло, пирог, булочки и, конечно, овсяные лепешки (пе­ченье). Это сухое печенье, которое делают из ов­са. Оно очень питательно и полезно для здоровья. Овсяное печенье было главной пищей шотланд­ских воинов. Люди ели его по-разному. «Овсяные лепешки незаменимы, если надо перекусить, они заменяют хлеб во время еды (служат добавкой к пище). Их можно есть и сами по себе, с лю­быми добавками. Овсяные лепешки великолепны на ленч или с тарелкой супа. Полдник: попробуй добавить тунца и кукурузы. Обед (ужин): они великолепны с паштетом и стаканом вина».

В Англии вы можете получить к чаю чашку чая — и все! Но иногда вам предложат немного сухого печенья, фрукты и сыр. Время чаепития — пять часов пополудни. В Британии вам редко скажут: «В пять», договариваясь о встрече. «Уви­димся во время чая» или «Приходите в офис к чаю», что означает «Приходите в 5 часов».

В Ирландии чай очень важен. Даже в очень бедных семьях люди имели привычку относить­ся к чаепитию как к церемонии. Чай завари­вали в специальном чайнике и только хороший и крупнолистовой. Люди никуда не спешили. Они садились вокруг стола и обсуждали послед­ние новости. Знаменитый ирландский писатель описал визит его матери в Америку, где ее буду­щая невестка поила ее чаем. Бедная леди вынула пакетик из своей чашки и в ужасе смотрела на него: «Что это?» Она не могла поверить, что этот отвратительный смятый пакетик был чаем. Позже она жаловалась своим друзьям и родствен­никам в Ирландии: «Американцы могут полететь в космос, но не могут налить вам чашечку чая по-хорошему». Кстати, выражение «чашка чая» произносится на особый манер («cuppotea»). Или же вас могут пригласить на «сирра».

В Китае, который знаменит своими чайными традициями, чай вам будут наливать в крошеч­ную чашечку, чтобы поощрить вас выпить много таких чашечек. Большая чашка чая будет озна­чать: «Пей свой чай и иди домой».

Answer the questions. Use these words and expressions.

  1. We like to drink tea, but teatime doesn’t really matter for us.
  2. I’m not a tea fan, but I prefer to brew tea instead having a quick teabag.
  3. I have tea several times every day; in the morning, at lunch time and in the evening.
  4.  I like to invite someone for a «cuppa», though it is usually not a real tea ceremony.
  5. Inviting guests for tea, we usually try to have something tasty for it, for example, a cake or biscuits, or some dessert.
  6. Russians are famous for their hospitality. When they have guests, they always try to treat them to a big meal.

Plan a birthday/New Year/housewarming party. Write a menu. It should contain a main course, a dessert, a salad and a hot/cold drink. You may use some of the ideas below. Translate the new words with a dictionary.

Birthday Party
On my birthday party I always invite friends. They come in the afternoon and usually we have a great fun. The plan of the party is rather tradi­tional: we listen to music, dance and, of course, sit at the table and have a delicious dinner.

As for the menu, this year I decided to select a main dish and then add an assortment of toppings that will make great accompaniments and allow the guests to choose their own favorites!

First of all, it will be Baked Potato Bar — a dish made of baked potatoes with sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, bacon bits, chopped onion, and chili.

Besides the main dish I will serve a number of salads — coleslaw, tomato and cucumber salad and iceberg lettuce with cheese and mayonnaise.

For the dessert there will be an apple pie with whipped cream, a strawberry milkshake and cap­puccino coffee.

New Year Party
New Year Party is a great holiday and all people, especially in Russia, wait for it and make plans how they will celebrate the day.

Our family always tries to get together for the New Year party. We like to sit at the table, remember what happened during the year and make plans for the future. Of course it is important to decide what things to be served for the party. Here is the menu:

The New Year party takes a long time, so the food should be nutritious, healthy and satisfying at the same time.

Before the main dish some salads will be served: coleslaw, tomato and cucumber salad and iceberg lettuce with cheese and mayonnaise.

Then there will come the baked potatoes with ground beef, taco shells, lettuce, tomato, salsa, cheese and sour cream.

For the dessert Danish pastry, mini chocolate rolls and ice cream with cappuccino will be served. And the main dish for the dessert will be a chocolate fudge cake.

As for the beverages, the guests will be offered a strawberry milkshake, lemonade, ice tea and freshly pressed apple juice.

Housewarming party
When people move to a new house, they have a housewarming party. They celebrate the begin­ning of a new life at the new place and want the party to be remembered.

We invited our best friends and relatives to our housewarming. When the guests come we will show them the house and then will sit down at the table and start eating the dinner. During the dinner we will talk, tell stories and jokes, remember funny things and make plans for the future. Then we may dance, listen to music and even sing songs.

The menu is as follows:

A homemade pizza. It’s a nutritious and satisfy­ing dish. If you make it yourself it can be irresistible. Sometimes I use individual sized, pre-made pizza crusts such as a Boboli, with tomato sauce, shred­ded cheese, pepperoni, onions, olives, peppers, and fresh basil. Also we can buy Taco Bar — Pasta Bar — two or three varieties of cooked pasta served with a choice of marinara, Alfredo cheese sauces with parmesan cheese and garlic bread on the side.

Besides the main dish I will serve a number of snacks: Greek salad, cucumber and tomato salad, lettuce salad and coleslaw; then some other snacks will go: yogurt, pudding, jelly, and apple sauce. An assortment of drinks will be served as a variety of freshly pressed juice (apple and orange), lemonade and ice tea.

For the dessert a delicious chocolate cake will be served. It may be followed by cappuccino coffee with mini chocolate rolls and sweets.

Describe the following cafes and restaurants using the words below.

  1. 1.  The «Savoy» restaurant is a top quality restau­rant and rather expensive.
  2. 2.   McDonald’s is a popular fast food restaurant. It is always crowded, but friendly.
  3. 3.     Pizza-Hut is a place where you can have nice pizzas with different toppings. It is simple, but elegant.
  4. 4.   KFC is a posh and atmospheric place. You can have delicious food there.
  5. 5.   If you need to have a snack, go to the «Elki-Palki» cafe. It is noisy, but friendly and you will buy cheap tasty food there.
  6. 6.     «Kroshka Kartoshka» is a place where you may come with your children. You will be offered popular fast food there and you can eat it in a cosy and friendly atmosphere.

Fill the gaps with appropriate words and complete the story. Use your imagination.
In the morning we have breakfast. Some people like a substantial breakfast, which may include: bacon and eggs, toasts with jam and a cup of coffee, others prefer a light meal. They have a cup of tea between 12 p.m. and 1.00 p.m. It’s time for lunch. A healthy lunch might include some sandwiches, or fries and fish or a piece of cake and a cup of tea or coffee. Dinner is served between 5.00 p.m. and 6 p.m. It is the main meal of the day. If you have guests, you may have some soup, different salads, chicken dishes and a dessert. If there are no guests, you may have a salad, some soup and chicken before going to bed.

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