Lesson 8, 9
2. Answer the questions.
- He discovered a new continent — America.
- After Columbus’s discovery thousands of greedy Spanish went to the continent and destroyed the ancient civilizations, they were looking for gold and this cost the lives of thousands of Indians.
- Diseases brought by white men had killed them.
- He decided to stay near the graves of his tribe and guard the treasure himself.
- He had seen the treasure.
- He decided to go to some distant future and hide the treasure there.
- Women cooked corn and turkeys and the Indians brought some of their own food.
- He left the treasure in the distant future.
- Yes, he did.
3. Choose the right answer.
- c) 5. b)
- b) 6. b); c)
- b) 7. b)
- a); b); c) 10. a)
Homework. Рабочая тетрадь # 1
A. Fill in the gaps with the facts from both parts of the stories.
- the Pilgrims
- Cape Cod
- signed; a governor.
- John Carver
- the Indians
- 1620; Plymouth
- an agreement
- England
- Thanksgiving
Read the names of some of the holidays that are celebrated in America nowadays. Which of them was started by the Pilgrims? Why do you think so?
- Thanksgiving was started by the Pilgrims. This is a historical fact.
Рабочая тетрадь # 1
Fill in the gaps with the right words and translate the sentences into Russian.
- practical and waterproof; elegant and fashionableworn jeans; a loose T-shirt
- practical
- designer
- tight
- unusual
- latest
- cheap
- casual; elegant and stylish
Change the sentences into direct speech.
- The teacher: «Put up something casual for a visit to a farm».
- Tom: «I don’t like shopping».
- Emma: «I always dress in style».
- Jim: «Colourful clothes show my individuality».
- Mother: «Please, do not wear this ridiculous shirt!»
- Change the sentences into reported speech.
- Mike says he thinks that shopping is a waste of time.
- She asks him what make he prefers.
- Daniel says that he prefers designer clothes.
- Ann says that she doesn’t like to stand out.
- Alex thinks that everybody likes a bargain.
Fill in the gaps with last or latest.
- last 4. last
- last 5. latest
- latest
Translate from Russian into English.
- What size are you?
- Does this shirt fit the trousers?
- This dress is a size bigger than you need. Try another size.
- These shoes will be in fashion in autumn.
- Your jeans are out of fashion.
- Do not wear these trainers with a skirt.
- My grandmother cares about fashion.