ГДЗ Кауфман Happy English.ru 9 класс UNIT 2 Lessons 2, 3

Lessons 2, 3

1. Remember who said these words, and report them.

  1. Mark says that he doesn’t care about fashion.
  2. Mark says that he can’t stand shopping.
  3. Rob says that Mark really needs some new clothes.
  4. Mark says that his jeans and sweaters are suitable for travelling.
  5. Emily says that Mark’s clothes are a little out of fashion.
  6. Misha says that clothes must show his indi­viduality.
  7. Rob says that he always wear designer clothes.
  8. Emily says that most of her clothes come from discount stores that sell designer clothes, so they don’t cost that much.
  9. Emily says that she doesn’t like to stand out.
  10. Misha says that he likes to look round in the shops and find something original.Rob says that clothes are a status thing.
  11. Mark says that he prefers clothes that he feels comfortable in.
  12. Emily says that her favourite jeans are Calvin Klein.Mark says that he likes casual clothes.

1.  Match the adjectives with their translation.

  1.  f)                          4. b)          7. a)
  2.  c)                     5. d)                       8. e)
  3. h)                      6. g)

1.   Fill in the gaps with say or tell.

  1. says                  4. tell                      7. Tell
  2. tell                    5. tell                      8. say
  3. say                    6. tell

Homework. Рабочая тетрадь # 1

В. Подберите к прилагательным антоним с помощью суффикса -less.

Colorless; meaningless; careless; helpless; taste­less.

Rewrite the sentences, use prefix -un.

  1.  I         hope it’s unbreakable.
  2. This dress would be unsuitable for the party.
  3.  I        never wear uncomfortable shoes.
  4. This sweater is unfashionable.

C. Change the sentences from reported into direct speech and translate them into Russian.

  1. Мэри говорит своим друзьям: «Уходите быстрее, потому что моя мама очень сердится на меня».
  2. Он говорит: «Мне не нужна модная одежда».
  3. Продавец говорит ей: «Вы должны надеть носки, чтобы померить эти туфли».
  4. Она говорит своей подруге: «Моя одежда вышла из моды».
  5. Она говорит: «Я не люблю выделяться».
  6. Елена говорит: «Я великолепно провожу время в Испании».
  7. Он говорит своему другу: «Мне нет дела до моды».
  8. Она говорит: «Я предпочитаю повседневную одежду».
  9. Анна говорит Джейн: «Мне нравится повсе­дневная одежда».

Рабочая тетрадь № 1

1. Change the sentences into reported speech.

  1. Jim says that he likes fashionable things.
  2. Tina says that fashion is not important to her.
  3. The teacher exclaims that students should wear a proper outfit in school.
  4. Mother asks if I am going shopping.
  5. The shop assistant offers to use their fitting room to try the dress on.
  6. The girl asks if they have got that dress in a bigger size.
  7. The mother tells her daughter not to buy shoes in that shop, because it will be a waste of money.
  8. Tom says that he doesn’t want to stand out.
  9. Jane says that she goes to discount shops for designer clothes.

2. Change the sentences into direct speech.

  1. David says: «I don’t like shopping».
  2. Molly says: «Fashion matters a lot for me».
  3. Michael says: «I prefer colourful clothes».
  4. Emma says: «I like to dress in style».
  5. Mark says: «I like casual jeans».
  6. Ann says to her brother: «Change your socks!»

3. Choose the correct word.

  1. designer                          8. ridiculous
  2. unusual                            9. posh
  3. SALE                              10. fancy
  4. a discount store               11. latest
  5. a waterproof                    12. a good bargain
  6. loose                                13. cheap
  7. expensive                         14. stylish
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