Lessons 2, 3
1. Remember who said these words, and report them.
- Mark says that he doesn’t care about fashion.
- Mark says that he can’t stand shopping.
- Rob says that Mark really needs some new clothes.
- Mark says that his jeans and sweaters are suitable for travelling.
- Emily says that Mark’s clothes are a little out of fashion.
- Misha says that clothes must show his individuality.
- Rob says that he always wear designer clothes.
- Emily says that most of her clothes come from discount stores that sell designer clothes, so they don’t cost that much.
- Emily says that she doesn’t like to stand out.
- Misha says that he likes to look round in the shops and find something original.Rob says that clothes are a status thing.
- Mark says that he prefers clothes that he feels comfortable in.
- Emily says that her favourite jeans are Calvin Klein.Mark says that he likes casual clothes.
1. Match the adjectives with their translation.
- f) 4. b) 7. a)
- c) 5. d) 8. e)
- h) 6. g)
1. Fill in the gaps with say or tell.
- says 4. tell 7. Tell
- tell 5. tell 8. say
- say 6. tell
Homework. Рабочая тетрадь # 1
В. Подберите к прилагательным антоним с помощью суффикса -less.
Colorless; meaningless; careless; helpless; tasteless.
Rewrite the sentences, use prefix -un.
- I hope it’s unbreakable.
- This dress would be unsuitable for the party.
- I never wear uncomfortable shoes.
- This sweater is unfashionable.
C. Change the sentences from reported into direct speech and translate them into Russian.
- Мэри говорит своим друзьям: «Уходите быстрее, потому что моя мама очень сердится на меня».
- Он говорит: «Мне не нужна модная одежда».
- Продавец говорит ей: «Вы должны надеть носки, чтобы померить эти туфли».
- Она говорит своей подруге: «Моя одежда вышла из моды».
- Она говорит: «Я не люблю выделяться».
- Елена говорит: «Я великолепно провожу время в Испании».
- Он говорит своему другу: «Мне нет дела до моды».
- Она говорит: «Я предпочитаю повседневную одежду».
- Анна говорит Джейн: «Мне нравится повседневная одежда».
Рабочая тетрадь № 1
1. Change the sentences into reported speech.
- Jim says that he likes fashionable things.
- Tina says that fashion is not important to her.
- The teacher exclaims that students should wear a proper outfit in school.
- Mother asks if I am going shopping.
- The shop assistant offers to use their fitting room to try the dress on.
- The girl asks if they have got that dress in a bigger size.
- The mother tells her daughter not to buy shoes in that shop, because it will be a waste of money.
- Tom says that he doesn’t want to stand out.
- Jane says that she goes to discount shops for designer clothes.
2. Change the sentences into direct speech.
- David says: «I don’t like shopping».
- Molly says: «Fashion matters a lot for me».
- Michael says: «I prefer colourful clothes».
- Emma says: «I like to dress in style».
- Mark says: «I like casual jeans».
- Ann says to her brother: «Change your socks!»
3. Choose the correct word.
- designer 8. ridiculous
- unusual 9. posh
- SALE 10. fancy
- a discount store 11. latest
- a waterproof 12. a good bargain
- loose 13. cheap
- expensive 14. stylish