ГДЗ Кауфман Happy English.ru 9 класс UNIT 3 Lessons 5, 6

Lessons 5, 6

1. Choose the correct word and complete the sentences.

  1.  some    3. some
  2. an                                     4. some; some; a

2.         Complete the sentences with (a) few/ a (little)/much/many/a lot/fewer/more.

  1. much                               6. a lot
  2. a few                               7. much; little.
  3. fewer                               8. fewer
  4. many                               9. much
  5. a little                              10. many

3.     Fill in the gaps with the article the when necessary.

  1. -;-;-;- 5.-
  2. — 6. —
  3. The 7. the; the
  4.  —

9.   Say if the following statements are true, false or there is no information in the article.

  1. True.
  2. False.
  3. True.
  4. No information.
  5. True.
  6. No information.
  7. False.
  8. True.
  9. No information.
  10. False.

Homework. Рабочая тетрадь # 1

B.     Fill in the gaps with the article the when necessary.

a)    —; the                                    d) —; —; the

b)    The                                                 e) —

c)    —                                                   f) The

Рабочая тетрадь # 1

1.   Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps.

a little                                    a little

little                                      any

a little                                    a few

2.     Underline the correct word. Sometimes both answers are correct.

  1. 1.   some/a               4. a           7. some/an
  2. 2.   a                        5. some
  3. 3.   some                  6. an

3.    Use the where necessary.

  1. 1.  —                                     4. the
  2. 2.   the                                    5. —
  3. 3.   —                                     6. the

4.   Read and translate the recipe.

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