ГДЗ Кауфман Happy English.ru 9 класс UNIT 4 Lessons 3, 4

Lessons 3, 4

2. Use the complex object with or without to.

  1. 1.                                                       to                          3. to         5. to
  2. 2.   —                         4. —                         6. —

3.    Translate the sentences into English.

  1. My parents want me to be a doctor.
  2. Nina wants her son to obey.
  3. They didn’t want him to know about this.
  4. She doesn’t let her daughter to come home late.
  5. Nobody made him do this.
  6. Let me ask this question.

7. I expected them to come today.

  1. Liz wanted Mike to meet her.
  2. Sergey wanted his friends to understand him.
  3. Do you want me to call her?

10. Fill in the gaps. Use the correct form of make or do.

  1. make                 4. make                  7. do; do
  2. making 5. do; do                             8. made
  3. do                      6. done

11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Why have you made up your mind to help them?
  2. What does he do? — He is a programmer.
  3. Could you do me a favour? — Yes, of course.
  4. He made his daughter do her homework.
  5. Nobody could make her do any sport.
  6. If he doesn’t do his homework, he will make many mistakes in the text.
  7. If you want to earn much, you have to work hard.
  8. He is making progress in Maths.
  9. I would like you to make a report on this theme.

Homework. Рабочая тетрадь 2

A.   Answer the questions about the dialogue from

Ex. 5.

  1. John used to go to the disco with his friends.
  2. John used to come back home on time, except recently.
  3. When John didn’t come back on time his parents expected him to phone them and explain what had been going on.
  4. John’s teacher told his parents that John had been getting a lot of bad marks in the last few months.

5. John’s parents expected him to explain everythin] but he refused to answer.

B.    Translate the sentences into English.

  • I don’t want his parents to know about it.
  • They expected him to call.
  • The parents want their son to come home on time.She made her son take aspirin.
  • She made her friend tell the truth.
  • Our friends want us to go to the cinema with them.
  • She didn’t expect them to arrive on Tuesday.
  • Mary didn’t want her daughter to leave.

C.     Write sentences with the words below. Use the complex object and make any changes necessary. More than one version is possible.

  1. They expect me to write a letter.
  2. He wants me to become a teacher.
  3. He made us buy a dress.
  4. They would like Andy to play for their team.
  5. We do not want him to sing.

D.   Complete the sentences. Use make or do.

  • made                                5. made
  • made                               6. made
  • do                                    7. do
  • does                                 8. made

Рабочая тетрадь № 2

1. Translate the sentences into Russian. Why is the complex object used without to?

После глаголов make и let инфинитив в слож­ном дополнении используется без частицы to.

  1. Можно привести коня к водопою, но нельзя заставить его напиться.
  2. Позволь мне все объяснить!
  3. Давай посетим зоомагазин.
  4. Его сестра заставила его солгать.
  5. Ничто не может заставить его изменить свое мнение.
  6. Я никогда не позволю тебе уйти.

4.    What do you think?

  1. The main problem the children at Victorian times had was to survive after birth.
  2. The worst punishment was The Punishment Book. If something bad about you was written in that book, it was a big disgrace. The person mentioned in this book had no chance to get a good job after school.

5.    Use the complex object with or without to.

  1. to                       4. —                          7. to
  2. —                         5. to                       8. —
  3. to                       6. to                       9. —

1.    Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. 1.  He обращай внимания на его поведение.
  2. 2.    Пожалуйста, не крась так сильно лицо, ты смущаешь бабушку.
  3. 3.    Жена Тома ворчит на него, потому что он всегда оставляет грязную посуду в раковине.
  4. 4.   Не доводи меня до бешенства!
  5. 5.   Его мать обращается с ним, как с ребенком.
  6. 6.   Каждый ребенок не может дождаться, когда вырастет.
  7. 7.   Маленькие дети обычно слушаются своего учителя.

2.  Choose the right word.

  • drives him mad
  • do the chores
  • embarrass
  • treat him like a child
  • relationships
3.    Read two groups of sentences and find the sentence with similar meanings.


5. e)

2. c)

6. b)

3. g)

7. a)

4. d)

8. f)

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