ГДЗ Кауфман Happy English.ru 9 класс UNIT 5 Lessons 3, 4

Lessons 3, 4

5. a) Match the words used to describe films

with definitions.

  1. d)                           4. c)          7. e)
  2. f)                       5. g)
  3. a)                       6. b)

Homework. Рабочая тетрадь № 2

A. Match the definitions with the words and

expressions you’ve learned in this unit.

  1. film director                     5. romance
  2. a cast                                6. the tickets are sold
  3. a premiere                        out
  4. celebrity

B.      Complete the sentences with the suitable words and expressions.

  1. set
  2. about
  3. Western
  4. in love
  5. stars
  6. on
  7. movie; film

C.      a) What kind of films are these Russian films? Who stars in them? Which of them could be called a blockbuster or a cult film?

A serial: «Петербургские тайны», «Бригада»; a romantic comedy: «Бриллиантовая рука», «Иро­ния судьбы, или С легким паром!»; an animated film «Ну, погоди!»; a thriller: «Дневной дозор»; classics «Мастер и Маргарита».

Рабочая тетрадь # 2

1.   Meet the Browns. They have a few DVDs, but cannot make up their minds. Help them choose a film suitable for all.

Every Brown thinks that classics and sometimes historical films are all right, so altogether they may see «Gone with the Wind», «Oliver Twist» or «The Treasure Island».

2.    Read the reviews. Describe every film in one word: superb, awful, funny, moving, thrilling, violent, boring.

  1. boring
  2. thrilling
  3. funny
  4. superb
  5. violent
  6. awful

4.    Read the text, translate it into Russian and answer the questions.

  1. It is a serial, which lasts for months or even years. The plot develops rather slowly and main characters usually are not outstanding people, but ordinary ones.
  2.  There     are not usually many characters in a soap opera.
  3. Women and old people particularly like soap operas.
  4. A soap opera lasts for a very long time and shows us little things of no importance.
  5. Main heroes of soap operas become familiar like friends or relatives. People who feel lonely and isolated gain an illusion of life watching the film and begin to think about the heroes as if they were their nearest and dearest.
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